Friday, March 18, 2016

memory check

Q1 – Detail two reasons why we change the ISO

You can make a shorter shutter speed. It creates more detail. 

Q2 – Explain the difference in depth of field between a wide and a narrow apature
 With a wide apature it would be a shallow depth of field and a narrow apature would be a deeper depth of field. 

Q3 – List four consideration your had to take into account when producing your pop-art photography. For example, depth of field, shadows etc)

 When producing the pop art I had to make sure that there is no shadows. Be careful of the wires on the floor as the equipment is expensive. Make sure the camera is set at a reasonable angle. Focus on the prop and not the background.    

Q4. Describe when would you choose to use the ‘A’ and the ‘P’ modes on a camera

A= Apature It is used when controlling the depth of field. 
P=Program It is easier when you want to do something quicker. 

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