For this assignment we had to create a pop art image of something that is relevant today. I have decided to a picture of a Lucozade bottle. I have seen that they use pop art when they are advertising their product. We would use photoshop to edit the pictures to make them look like pop art images. I had no clue how to do this when we first started the project. We were going to use different lights like red heads. We would have to make sure that there were no shadows when taking the pictures otherwise it would ruin the picture.
For the research I spent a lesson looking online at different pop art images. I took ten images from the internet so I knew the different styles of pop art. I also looked at when pop art stated and I found out that it first came around in the 1950's. The first two artists in Britain to help the movement of pop art were
Eduardo Paolozzi and Richard Hamilton. I learned that pop art was made of bright colours and an image in front of the background that has had its colour changed to a bright colour. I looked at the Lucozade website and saw that they use pop art a lot when advertising. I think that this is because the bottles are usually brightly coloured and easy to see. When I saw the images it inspired me to make a picture of a Lucozade even though it has been done before.
I was not sure how many images I would edit but I took a lot of pictures however not all of them have been used. I brought in a Lucozade bottle from home. I also wanted to make a picture of a skateboard. I also had that prop on the day. I also wrote in the proposal about the health and safety with all the wires. I also wrote about the lighting saying that I would need to get it just right or the shadows would ruin the work. We were going to use different lighting like red heads. I also wrote that I would need to make sure the camera focuses on the prop and not the background.

We only had one week to get all of the props that we needed. I managed to get a Lucozade bottle and the skateboard and Oskar brought in a lot of different props that we all used. We was not sure if we needed to book the cameras out or not. We also did not have much time do to everything we had to take the pictures and edit them in the same lesson. I think that we did well with the time we had. We found a room that was dark so that the light would not be an issue. For the planning I dd a proposal and I tried to stick to it as much as I could. I got the Lucozade bottle done and edited and I made sure the lighting was ok so that there was no shadows. However I did not need to use the red head light like I said I would in the proposal. I did get the picture of the skateboard however I didn't have time to edit it.

We set up the camera so it was facing down onto the prop that did not change during every picture. We also had a light shining down on it and to the side so it didn't create a shadow. This worked so I wouldnt need to worry about it when editing the pictures. The bottle would not stay still when trying to take the picture of it. It would keep rolling off the table. I put something in front of it so it would not role however it would be in the way of the picture. So I got some bluetac and put it on the bottom of the bottle. We took the picture in the classroom next room. The camera was already set up when we took the picture so we didn't need to change the ISO or aperture. I took a lot of pictures however not all of them got used. We also had to use some bluetac on the pringels tub. I took a picture of the same image 3 times in case something went wrong.

For the editing I had to take the pictures into photoshop. I would crop the image so that there wasn't that much background and that I could focus on the prop more. I also changed the background that was there to an orange colour. I then cut out around the bottle so there was no background from the original image. I then went into the settings of the image of the bottle. The effect I used for the bottle was vivid light to make it glow and look good. When this was put on the background I really liked what it looked like. I kept this image as my main image.
In some ways I kept to the proposal but in some ways I didn't because of the time issues. If I had more time I think that I would've done more. I did the pictures of what I wanted to in my proposal. I think that the image looks good. If I were to do this again I would try and spend more time editing the pictures. I have learned how to create pop art images in photoshop whereas I had no clue how to do it going into this assignment.
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