Friday, April 1, 2016

test shots

 These are some of the test shots we had for the project. Not all of them have been used because I did not have enough time. The picture came out good and it is a shame I didn't have time to use it. We did not change the ISO or anything like that because the camera was set up for us and there was no need to.
 For this image I think that the image is too dark and it is not very clear. I think this is one of the reasons why I would not use this image.
 I like this image because I think I could've made the colour look good. I also did an image of a black controller but I did not use either.

 The problem with this image is that you can see both of our hands so it would be too hard to edit around and not really worth it.

This was the image I used and it was the image I always wanted to use. I made it look like the Lucozade adverts.

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